MW:M 2024 Sustainability

Towards a Sustainable Future

At Most Wanted: Music (MW:M), we’ve embarked on a journey toward a more sustainable event. We are advised by the experts of the sustainability working group of the Berlin Music Commission, though we may not have reached all our goals yet, we are firmly dedicated to reducing our environmental impact step by step and are aiming to foster sustainability in all facets of our event. As we make the necessary changes, we believe in keeping our attendees informed about our efforts and learning from their insights. Our evolving strategy encompasses the following key areas such as transport, energy, water, catering, waste, equality, diversity, and Inclusion, local community and external reach, as we strive to make MW:M as sustainable as possible.

1. Transport

  • Promoting Sustainable Transportation: Our venue is very well located close to the subway, tram and bus stations. We actively promote the use of public transportation and cycling as eco-friendly alternatives for getting to the event. For longer trips, we encourage our speakers and attendees to choose lower-impact travel options, such as the train.
  • Monitoring: We’re measuring artists’ modes of transport to track and reduce our overall environmental impact.
  • Minimising Negative Impact: We are doing our best to reduce ground transportation in event production by choosing service providers within the Berlin area whenever possible, and by arranging accommodation close to the venue. 

2. Energy

  • Renewable Energy Sources: The Kesselhaus, Palais, and Soda Salon are powered by green electricity, marking our initial steps toward a more sustainable energy future.
  • Monitoring: We closely monitor our energy consumption and seek opportunities for further reduction. 

3. Water

  • Raising Awareness: We are in the early stages of raising awareness about water conservation among event participants and encouraging responsible water use.

4. Catering

  • Sustainable Food: Our culinary offerings have been shaped with sustainability in mind. Expect local and seasonal food choices, and our entire menu is vegan and vegetarian.

5. Waste

  • Reducing Waste: To minimise our waste generation, we’ve eliminated single-use plastic cups, plates, and cutlery throughout the event. Deposit systems for returnable glass bottles will be in place. Notably, our MW:M team and volunteers are championing sustainability by using their own cups during both preparation and the event. In addition, we’ve decided this year not to provide goodie bags. 
  • Promoting Reuse: Our networking area collaborates with initiatives like Stadtmission and uses second-hand furniture and upcycling materials from Treibgut and Materialmafia.
  • Continuous Improvement: We are monitoring our waste and continuously striving to identify areas for improvement and refine our waste management strategies.

6. EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion)

  • Social Sustainability: We recognise that a truly sustainable music industry is one that not only reduces its environmental impact but also champions social sustainability. Central to this belief is our commitment to promoting Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). We have implemented an Awareness & Inclusion concept to foster an environment that respects and includes everyone. (read more about it here and  here).

7. Local Community

  • Reducing Noise: MW:M Live attendees can find earplugs for protection at the Awareness Stand, creating a safe and enjoyable experience for all.

8. External Reach

  • Communication: We’re actively promoting sustainability measures through our website, keeping attendees informed about our efforts.
  • Community Engagement: MW:M involves and supports initiatives like the sustainability working group AK:N, musicBwomen, Stadtmission, and Materialmafia, extending our commitment beyond the event walls.
As we embark on our journey to a sustainable future, Most Wanted: Music invites you to be a part of this transformation. Together, we can inspire positive change within the music industry and set an example for others. We are committed to continually improving our sustainability efforts and look forward to welcoming participants who share our dedication to a greener future for the music business. Join us at Most Wanted: Music, as we work towards a sustainable and environmentally responsible future.