Morena Piro studied Romance Studies, Italian Studies and Education in Hanover and Applied Languages at the Université Sorbonne Paris IV. From 2002 to 2006, she worked as a project manager at the MusikZentrum Hannover, where she initiated the award-winning ‘Music in Hainholz’ project.
Since 2011, she has been coordinator at the Centre for World Music at the University of Hildesheim Foundation, where she is responsible for the Master's degree programme ‘musik.welt - Kulturelle Diversität in der musikalischen Bildung’.
In 2016, she founded the Community Service department as well as the ‘Studying after flight’ area and headed the INTEGRA team of the German Academic Exchange Service. She has been a network communicator for the ‘Fête de la Musique Deutschland’ since 2023. She is also a member of the international ‘Community Music Network’ and the German Music Council's federal expert committee ‘Cultural Diversity’.