Erika Siekstelyte is managing director and board member of Panke e.V., co-founder of and prospective board member of the Clubcommission. Panke is a multifunctional event venue in Wedding. The rooms are made available to communities and networks looking for a home in Berlin.
Erika comes from Lithuania, where she worked as a cultural agent and activist for over 10 years. Professionally, she is an advertising manager, DATEV specialist and hot air balloon pilot. Her goal in life is to fight for education and psychotherapy for all. Freedom, equality and diversity - these are also Panke's goals, and she is delighted that they have been successfully realised for almost 14 years.
In her spare time, Erika enjoys tennis and plays in several teams at SV Reinickendorf. Her strengths lie in analysing, bookkeeping, troubleshooting and brainstorming. She does her best to be a good boss for her team and the organisers.