

Info Deutsch

Singer-Songwriter und loop artist Mathias ist in Frankreich geboren und in Deutschland aufgewachsen. Mit der “Phileas Band” (René Riewer, Mya Audrey und Gidon Carmel) hat er sein Debut-album produziert (VÖ 2022). Seine persönlichen Erfahrungen haben Mathias vermehrt dazu gebracht, gesellschaftlich relevante Themen wie Migrationspolitik, demokratisches Grundverständnis, religiösen Extremismus, und kollektives Handeln gegen soziale Missstände in seinen Liedern zu thematisieren.

Info English

Phileas is the new project of Berlin based singer-songwriter and loop artist Mathias. He was born in France, grew up in Germany and has worked as a musician in England and the USA. In 2017 he settled in Berlin, where he has since worked as a live, studio and street musician and started his new project “Phileas”. His personal experiences have increasingly led him to address socially relevant issues such as migration, democracy, climate change, religious extremism and collective action.
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