Dancer / Performer

Dodzi Dougban

Dancer / Performer
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Dodzi Dougban, *1979, is a deaf dancer and performer. Deaf from an early age, he grew up in Recklinghausen.

His family comes from Togo and taught the traditional culture of their country of origin, e.g. African folklore, at festivals and concerts. Influenced by these performances, Dodzi Dougban found his own focus in hip hop dance and, together with hearing dance crews, was German champion five times and European champion three times.

He teaches hip hop, modern, Afro and contemporary dance in numerous workshops and at schools. He is also a lecturer in non-verbal communication and teaches sign language. Dodzi Dougban's work as a performer always connects the deaf with the hearing world. As an artist, he poetically integrates the elements of sign language with dance.