

Info Deutsch

Goldy.mp3, seit 2018 als Rapperin aktiv, trat in der Bremer Subkultur unter verschiedenen Namen auf. 2020 wechselte sie von Garage Band zu Ableton und produzierte eigenständig, debütierte mit "Karma".

Bald folgte "Sexroboter" mit Tightill und 0421. Verschiedene Plattenfirmen, u.a. Universal zeigten Interesse.

Als Texterin kollaborierte sie mit FutureBae, Tropical für "Immer Sommer", einem Spotify-Hit. Aktuell arbeitet sie an einer Trance EP mit Sarah4K und einer EP mit Doubtboy in Genres wie Punk, Neue Deutsche Welle und Pop.

Info English

Goldy.mp3 started as a rapper in 2018, performing concerts under various aliases in the Bremen subculture. In 2020, she transitioned from Garage Band to Ableton, independently producing her songs, including her official debut single "Karma."

Shortly after, she released "Sexroboter" featuring Tightill and 0421. Various record labels, including Universal and Audiolith, extended offers. Goldy also works as a lyricist, collaborating with artists like FutureBae and Tropical on tracks like "Immer Sommer," one of their most-streamed singles on Spotify.

Currently, Goldy is working on a trance EP with her friend Sarah4K and is also in production for an EP with Doubtboy, exploring genres ranging from punk and Neue Deutsche Welle to pop.

Additional Info:

Genre: Hip hop/Rap, Pop, Trance, Neue Deutsche Welle, Punk

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goldy.mp3 presented by Pop Office Bremen @ MW:M Live 2023

goldy.mp3 presented by Pop Office Bremen @ MW:M Live 2023

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