Most Wanted: Music
Most Wanted: Music 2021 – Changes in Berlin
#change: October 26-28th on-site at Kulturbrauerei Berlin and online on WWW
Most Wanted: Music is back on October 26-28th as a hybrid online-offline event: finally, attendees can meet again in person and rub shoulders with real people at Berlin’s Kulturbrauerei – or join in remotely via an interactive digital conference platform. MW:M21 opens with the now-traditional festivities of the listen to berlin: Awards on Tuesday the 26th before the main conference starts on the 27th, followed by MW:M Satellites partner events scattered all over Berlin on the 28th.Berlin, 22.06.2021 – After a challenging 18 months, Berlin’s music business conference Most Wanted: Music (MW:M) returns and this year it’s all about #change. The music industry of today is a very different beast to the one of early 2020 – and while change may have been forced upon us all, a fairer and more exciting future awaits: one with new technological possibilities, a renewed focus on sustainability, and fairer compensation for creators. MW:M21 aims to give attendees the know-how and clarity to navigate this newly multifaceted industry. With inspiring talks, interactive workshops, hot debates, and a host of networking opportunities, the conference aims to turn change into opportunity, to transform the innovation-driven into the innovation drivers.
Amongst the first confirmed speakers is innovation advisor to the European Commission Michela Magas. Further thought leaders speaking at the conference include Michael Hoeweler, the Head of Amazon Music in Germany, who will discuss the vital issue of diversity in audio streaming, and Detroit techno pioneer DJ Juan Atkins, who will examine our transition from an industrial society to a technological one. Giorgia Petri, Paul Biessmann and Erika Körner – who collectively started the research project Sound Folds – created advanced clothing that mediates a dialogue between body movement, technology, and music via sensors built into the fabric. At MW:M21 attendees can see musicians performing whilst wearing these clothes to create dazzling sound, delivering a unique music-fashion-tech experience. In the evening, a virtual afterparty with live DJs will bring more opportunities to network and celebrate after the conference.
Olaf Kretschmar, CEO of the Berlin Music Commission (BMC), defines the objective of MW:M21 as follows:
“We have to drive change in the industry if we want to remain successful in the long term, and rarely have we had to deal with so many transforming areas at the same time. There is no blueprint for all these challenges, no clearly prescribed path to the future. In order to arrive at sustainable and resilient solutions, our only option is to negotiate new models together. To do this, we need constellations that include diverse perspectives. Socio-political challenges have now become part of our everyday business – with Most Wanted: Music, we provide a diverse platform for debate, know-how and new encounters to jointly arrive at new solutions for the music industry.”
MW:M21 Early Bird online tickets are on sale now. For those who can’t wait to attend in person, on-site tickets will go on sale as soon as the permitted number of visitors at the venue is confirmed.
And the new venue is a homecoming of sorts: MW:M21 will take place in Berlin’s historic cultural centre the Kulturbrauerei – the place where the Berlin Music Commission first formed, the home of the listen to berlin: Awards for many years, and the site of the first ever MW:M in 2014.
“We are happy to be able to run Most Wanted: Music this time under somewhat more predictable circumstances than last year. Even though the move to a new location, the continuing uncertainty regarding the exact number of visitors inside the venue and the continuing hygiene regulations will once again present us with challenges,” comments Stephan Hengst, Event Director, on the current planning phase.
The listen to berlin: Awards ceremony will kick off MW:M21 on October 26th. With awards in several categories, including Music Journalism, Sustainability, Most Creative Music Video and the Rolf Budde Award for a Moral Approach in the Music Industry, those individuals and initiatives who pushed the city forward musically and economically, often out of the limelight, will be made visible. The Berlin Music Commission has launched a call for nominations.
Most Wanted: Music and the listen to berlin: Awards are projects by the Berlin Music Commission and are supported and funded by the Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe.
MW:M21 EPK (incl. photos)
—————————————————————————Press Contact and Accreditation Requests:
Berit Levita
Tel.: +49 3086431512
#MWM21 #Change