MW:M 2024
Confirmed Speakers MW:M24
Here we announce the confirmed speakers of Most Wanted: Music 2024. This list will be successively updated until the event, so check back from time to time.
Meet our talking heads
We are pleased to present you a number of this year’s speakers and discussion partners from a huge variety of business sectors.
Our confirmed speakers
A couple more of our past Speakers
While we have not been able to announce any new speakers yet, you are welcome to take a look at who has already taken part in recent years. As soon as we have the first confirmed speakers for 2024, we will list them on this page and inform everyone who has signed up for our newsletter.
Our confirmed speakers
Jennifer studied theatre studies and sustainable urban systems.
After working in the liberal arts with her own game development company, various social design initiatives and teaching assignments, she is now a trained systemic organisational developer and change manager and a certified public welfare economist.
Her interest in impact logics and change processes has led her to sustainability reporting. She advocates triple materiality and works with Sustainable Development Performance Indicators (SDPI) alongside the principles of the Economy for the Common Good – preferably in her home field of the cultural and creative industries.
A couple more of our past Speakers
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