MW:M 2024

Most Wanted: Music 2021 – Changes in Berlin
June 22, 2021
Most Wanted: Music is back on October 26-28th as a hybrid online-offline event: finally, attendees can meet again in person and rub shoulders with real people at Berlin’s Kulturbrauerei – or join in remotely via an interactive digital conference platform. MW:M21 opens with the now-traditional festivities of the listen to berlin: Awards on Tuesday the 26th before the main conference starts on the 27th, followed by MW:M Satellites partner events scattered all over Berlin on the 28th.

June 22, 2021
MW:M21 #change: October 26-28th on-site at Kulturbrauerei Berlin and online on WWW Most Wanted: Music returns on 26-28 October – and after a challenging 18 months, the Most Wanted: Music music business conference returns with its sights set firmly on #change. The conference is a hybrid online-offline event: finally, you can attend in person again and rub shoulders with real people – or join in remotely via our interactive digital conference platform. MW:M21 opens with the now-traditional festivities of the listen to berlin: Awards on Tuesday 26th before the main conference starts on Wednesday 27th, followed by our decentralised MW:M Satellites partner events – scattered all over Berlin – on Thursday 28th. Super Early Birds Online-Tickets on sale Our Super Early Bird

MW:M Live 2020 aftermovie and ticket raffle
December 22, 2020
Dear MW:M community, today we want to close our year by presenting you a short recap video of how exceptional Most Wanted: Music has been this year, particularly our showcase event MW:M Live. 2020 has been special and challenging for all us. What a ride it was for all event organizers and others working in the music and creative industries around the world. Many had to pivot their business strategies and product assortments. But we have to say that despite all the uncertainties and anxieties that came with Corona, we learned a lot by having to adjust our conference to the new situation. We are

Most Wanted: Music 2020 Recap – Videos are online
December 2, 2020
Today we are happy to announce that the full programme of MW:M20 is available online for free, on-demand usage. You can now find the clips of all individual conference sessions as well as the stunning live performances of all artists who played at MW:M Live on our YouTube channel as well as on our virtual event platform (MW:M20 ticket needed). All videos will be there at your free disposal for an unlimited time. If you didn’t have enough time to watch the whole conference, here is your chance to dig deep into the broad variety of topics about music business, music marketing and music production

Most Wanted: Music 2020 – the music industry raises its voice and unites against the crisis
November 10, 2020
The seventh edition of Berlin’s most forward-thinking music business conference successfully shifted online, broadcasting from Berlin’s historic Alte Münze. More than 80 international expert speakers explored what’s next for the music business, across an innovative mix of more than 30 talks, workshops, AMA sessions and panels. In a year of unprecedented disruption, MW:M20 sought solutions. Key themes were: support for the creative sector and how streaming platforms pay artists; music’s role in the climate crisis and social change; reshaping live performance; and using new technology to empower musicians. MW:M20’s key speakers include Prof. Maya Ackerman (WaveAI), Dr. Florian Drücke (BVMI), Christian Goiny (CDU), Michael Fritz

MW:M Live: A strong sign of the music and creative industry
November 6, 2020
Finally, live music again! Yesterday, MW:M Live took place as the big showcase closing event of Most Wanted: Music 2020 and set a strong signal for the event industry in the middle of the second corona lockdown. A total of 24 talented acts from all over the world performed in front of invited professional guests and numerous music fans via live stream – 9 of them in strict compliance with all hygiene and distance regulations at Alte Münze Berlin and the remaining 15 joined digitally. Tina Sikorski (Initiative Musik) and Stephan Hengst (Most Wanted: Music) opened the event with encouraging words: “We are convinced that

listen to berlin: Awards 2020 im Livestream – Bleibt solidarisch & leave no one behind
November 4, 2020
Die Wahlnacht hat zumindest in Berlin für klare Ergebnisse gesorgt und ausschließlich Gewinner*innen gesehen: Zum fünften Mal wurden die listen to berlin: Awards verliehen, mit denen am Dienstagabend in neun Kategorien in der Alten Münze die mutigsten Ideen und innovativsten Akteur*innen der Hauptstadt ausgezeichnet wurden. Eine Sonderehrung erhielten der Berliner Senat und das Musicboard Berlin für die hervorragende und schnelle Unterstützung der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in der existenzbedrohenden Situation der Pandemie, die Staatssekretär Christian Rickerts (Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe) sowie Katja Lucker (Musicboard Berlin) entgegennahmen. Der Appell an beide: Bitte weiter so und bitte in enger Abstimmung mit der Branche! Die Preisverleihung fand

Learn more about the listen to berlin: Awards host Achan Malonda at “From Artist To Artist podcast”
November 3, 2020
Stefany Martens’ podcast From Artist to Artist offers raw insights into the music industry through a series of candid chats. In this episode, Berlin based MALONDA discusses her transition from musical theatre to songwriter, and how she uses her art as a vehicle for social change. A singer, songwriter and activist, MALONDA began her career in musical theatre playing the role of Sarabi in The Lion King musical. Her artistic expression comes from her activism for the black and POC communities, as well as queer feminism. MALONDA hosted the 5th edition of the listen to berlin: Awards alongside Christoph Schrag, (Fritz Unsigned) where the Berlin

Follow our brand new MW:M YouTube channel!
November 2, 2020
Over the past few years, Most Wanted: Music welcomed many inspiring guests and speakers from around the world. Together, we’re reviewing, rethinking and reshaping the music industry. In our different session formats, educational and networking methods and new forms of collaboration we never only focus on discussions. At MW:M, we apply what we have learned directly. We always offer our guests the opportunity to be proactive themselves. MW:M wants you to interact with other participants and experts at eye level in various formats. FOLLOW OUR MW:M YOUTUBE CHANNEL! On our brand new MW:M YouTube channel you can now dive into the most exciting conversations

Corona FAQ: Everything you need to know about our safety precautions at MW:M20
November 2, 2020
Keeping everyone safe at Most Wanted: Music 2020 Organising Most Music: Wanted 2020 amidst the Covid-19 pandemic has not been without its challenges, but rest assured that the health of everyone taking part is our highest priority. We’re pulling out all the stops to make sure that the event adheres to all distance and hygiene regulations. Each area of the main conference and all associated venues will have individually-tailored safety plans and special hygiene procedures for our staff on-event and our on-site speakers. We will ensure the safety of our speakers and team in a number of ways. Of course, masks will be compulsory at

November 2, 2020
There are a lot of exciting music and tech conferences out there – it can often be difficult trying to decide which ones to give your time to. We have put together 10 reasons why we think you should prioritise attending the 7th edition of Most Wanted: Music in spite of (or indeed, because of) the pandemic: 1. LEARN FROM THE BEST Immerse yourself in a full day of inspiring keynotes, panel discussions, workshops, and networking events. Hear from the leading experts, academics and artists about the latest trends and developments in music. At MW:M20, our topics include diversity, sustainability and the future of music

Everything you need to know about our virtual conference platform and app
November 1, 2020
As Most Wanted: Music takes place virtually this year, we are using the tool Swapcard as our conference platform and app. On this conference site, we are presenting our programme virtually from November 3rd – 5th to everyone with an MW:M online ticket. Don’t have your ticket, yet? Get it now! One of the main benefits of this tool, are the various networking functions. They allow all attendees to find new contacts with help of the built-in AI, and to directly contact attendees, speakers, exhibitors or even schedule online meetings with each other. On our virtual conference platform, you get to watch sessions while using

October 31, 2020
With our showcase event MW:M Live we’re presenting you the best new live acts once more! We are so excited to showcase new talent from all over the world. MW:M Live will be the virtual grand finale of the Most Wanted: Music conference on Thursday, November 5th, taking place from 4pm-10pm. This year, due to the rapid developments concerning the COVID-19 pandemic and the decisions of the German government on October 28th, MW:M Live will be streamed live on the MW:M virtual conference plattform and on the MW:M YouTube channel for music fans online. A total of 24 bands and solo artists will present themselves

UPDATE: Most Wanted: Music 2020 to take place virtually
October 30, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic poses unprecedented challenges for our industry. The past weeks and months have shown just how important personal meetings and exchanges between people are. Thankfully, in times of social distancing, digital tools make it possible to keep up this dialogue. Now, it is of even greater importance to encourage people to connect, to provide space for exchange, and to highlight committed actors and initiatives as well as effective technologies and solution models in the industry. This is why the Berlin Music Commission (BMC) believes it is imperative that the listen to berlin: Awards, Most Wanted: Music and MW:M Live take place next week.

The Royalty Checklist – Learn how to maximise your Royalty Collection
October 30, 2020
Understanding royalties can make all the difference to an artist’s survival in the music industry. If you are an artist or represent an artist, then our interactive session The Royalty Checklist – How To Maximise Your Royalty Collection on Nov 4th from 1:20 to 2:20 pm is the right choice for you. Our panel will break down the intricacies of music royalties: What are the different types of royalties? How are they generated? What societies are responsible for collecting these royalties? What must you do in order to access them? Our royalty specialists are Mandy Aubry from Songtrust, the biggest technology-driven music publishing platform, Dean
Newsletter Registration
Alte Münze
Berlin Music Commission
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hybrid music conference
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listen to berlin: Awards
listen to berlin: Awards 2020
Music App
Music Business
music tech
MW:M Live
MWM19 program
November 2018
Olaf Kretschmar