MW:M 2024 General Info

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Most Wanted: Music (MW:M) is the most important music business conference in Berlin and a rising European hotspot event for music and creative industry professionals worldwide. It is run by the Berlin Music Commission, the music industry network of Berlin on behalf of the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises.

Most Wanted: Music aims to start building the music and creative industries of tomorrow, where collaboration is not merely about working together but creating new with modern goals and rallying around a new ethos. MW:M’s key objectives are: enabling practical know-how transfer, fostering networking and exchange and inspiring new ideas and business models.

MW:M24 will take place from 12th – 14th of November at Berlin’s famous Kulturbrauerei. The programme includes interactive talks, interviews and hands-on workshops with experts and artists from all over the world, experimental networking formats and live performances.

The MW:M Convention is accompanied by the LISTEN TO BERLIN: AWARDS, the awards for remarkable achievements in the Berlin music scene, and MW:M Live, Berlin’s international showcase event, as well as the MW:M Satellites, a broad variety of partner events distributed around the entire city of Berlin.