News | MW:M

tim exile endless app

Make Music Fun Again: Tim Exile talks about the Revolution of Music-Making

Creative content makers and publishers – that’s one of MW:M19’s focus topics. Until the convention starts in a few days on November 6, we would like to recommend another one of our speakers to you. Next up is Tim Exile. “Good music comes out of people playing together,” Keith Richards once said. In fact, in a world, both more connected and yet more separate than ever, MW:M19 explores how the magic of collaboration happens today. Our program is full of speakers talking about innovative apps, social tech, AI and big data. It’s a lot though, so we are here for you helping you to not miss out on these fascinating topics and speakers!

Tim Exile and Endlesss

Tim Exile

Tim Exile, Founder & CEO at Endless

It’s safe to say that Tim Exile doesn’t want to live in a world of joyless perfection. Especially when it comes to music-making, he wants to get back to enjoying the process instead of clinging to robot-like, all perfect productions that end in polished tracks. Therefore, Tim Exile – musician, intrapreneur, TED speaker, thought-leader and entrepreneur – launched an app that is as modern as he is. Endlesss is an app that allows quick, instinctive and collaborative music-making. Endlesss was brought together in 2017 by Tim with the help of his friends and family’s investments. In the same way, collaborations with experts from the music and tech industry made his project grow. Additionally, Will Mills and Imogen Heap joined in as investors. You see: It’s an on-going process and Endlesss is working to create a fun, spontaneous, collaborative music-making tool. The best route to creative success is to enjoy the process – and that brings Exile’s vision to full circle.

Multidisciplinary Music-Making at MW:M19

Apps like Instagram, Snapchat or TikTok have transformed the moving image: We do not just consume videos anymore, we create them ourselves on a daily basis to build identities and relationships. The same transformation has hit the written word and photography – but not music. In this context, we’re proud to have Tim Exile as a speaker at MM:M19.
On his panel Music and the Doing revolution”, he will map out how these revolutions came about and how Endlesss is bringing this evolution to music. Don’t miss his talk on November 7 at 2:00 pm at LOFT. At MW:M19, there are more panels, talks and workshops on new (live) music experiences to discover – even an immersive piano show! Check out our program, filter by track and sort out “new musical experiences”. See you there!
Logo Hybrid Music Lab
This panel on new (live) music experiences is organized by Hybrid Music Lab, a project organized by the Berlin Music Commission, which is the Berlin music industry’s main network and carried out on behalf of the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises as part of the Berlin state initiative “Projekt Zukunft” and funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund).