Most Wanted: Music

Tickets for MW:M19

🔎 Looking for MW:M tickets? Win 2×2 Tickets for MW:M19 in our Raffle!

Although we can’t quite understand why you don’t have a ticket for MW:M19 yet, here’s your chance to win 2×2 tickets! Join us – it will be the biggest, best MOST WANTED: MUSIC so far! MW:M19 kicks off in a few days and for all lazy birds without an MW:M19 ticket in our mids, we’ve got something up our sleeves! In other words: We’re giving away 2×2 tickets for MOST WANTED: MUSIC 2019 at 6th and 7th November at Alte Münze Berlin.

Here’s what you have to do:

But it wouldn’t be a raffle if you didn’t have to do something about it. Don’t worry, it’s no hassle: Please write an e-mail to presse (at) and present us a good reason why it’s you that has to go to MW:M19! Use “THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL” in the subject line. Don’t forget to leave both your name and those of your +1! Deadline is Monday, 4th November! The winners will be informed via mail later that day! Good luck! 🍀